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TMS Band Grading Protocol


Grades for band at TMS (6th, 7th, & 8th) are based on multiple factors:

  • Concerts/Performances

  • After School Rehearsals

  • Chairs Tests

  • Materials and Rehearsal Etiquette

  • Classwork


Concerts/Performances (40%): Band is a performance based class. Concerts/performances are the most important part of what musicians do. 6th grade band students perform in December (Winter Concert) and May/June (Spring Concert). The Kings Dominion trip is not graded. Students may make up a missed concert ONLY if the parents provide a written note explaining the students' absence. Please realize that there is no true make-up assignment for a missed concert.


After School Rehearsals (25%): After school rehearsals are the only time that the full band gets to practice together. Many elements go into a quality performance, some of which cannot be practiced unless the full ensemble is present (balance, blend, tone, etc.). After school rehearsals never run past 4:00pm. Students may make up a missed after school rehearsal ONLY if the parents provide a written note explaining the students' absence. Please realize that there is no true make-up assignment for a missed rehearsal.


Chairs Tests (15%): Chairs tests are the same as playing tests. Students will be assigned an exercise from the Essential Elements Book to play at the end of the week. They will be graded on the following: tone quality, correct rhythms, note accuracy, dynamic contrast, hand position, pulse, and other technical factors. Students will be required to play their tests by themselves in front of the class to build confidence and performance skills.


Materials and Rehearsal Etiquette (15%): Rehearsals/practice time determine how students will perform during their concerts. Materials and rehearsal etiquette include the following factors: attitude, readiness (having music, materials, etc.), contribution to the rehearsal, teamwork, effort, etc.). Materials and rehearsal etiquette are graded on a weekly basis. 


Classwork (5%): Classwork includes any written work that we do during class time. It will also include any work that students do when a substitute is present. 



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